President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation

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The assassination of the Iranian general Soleimani is almost certainly not because of some geopolitical strategic calculus by Trump. Two reasons will back up this observation. One, Trump is according to many mental health professionals not capable of such reasoning anymore and, two, according to many geopolitical analysts the risks far outweigh the advantages for the assassination to be a rational act.

The more plausible explanation is that the assassination satisfies a narrow set of Trump’s political and psychological needs which have to do with his impeachment for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Both charges are increasingly backed up by daily revelations and pressure is building on the Senate to conduct a fair trial, which will mean even more revelations.

And for good measure, put on top of that the recent reporting that Deutsche Bank bailed out Trump because its massive loans were guaranteed by a Russian bank with links to the Kremlin. This happened when no other bank would extend Trump any credit anymore because of his serial bankruptcies. 

So, Trump is cornered and understandably feels frustrated and angry because the gig is maybe soon up. Killing an important and easy target to blow of steam and regain some feeling of power then makes sense and at the same time it will divert conveniently everybody’s attention away from the impeachment trial to the more dramatic confrontation with Iran. If that is the pathetic level of his strategic thinking we are in deep trouble as there is no other more sane strategy in place to direct the coming escalatory process towards a reasonable strategic result. 

The above line of reasoning is suggested again by the mental health professionals who have had the skill and courage to publicly share their insights to warn the world of the present and acute danger of Trump’s warped mental capacity. At this moment their most outspoken member, Dr. Brandy Lee, is actually pleading for  people in Trump’s political vicinity, like speaker Pelosi, to demand a “mental health hold” on Trump to have him psychologically evaluated.

Dr. Lee stated in an interview that “As a co-worker, she [Pelosi] has the right to have him submit to an involuntary evaluation, but she has not. I am beginning to believe that a mental health hold, which we have tried to avoid, will become inevitable.”

This of course is unprecedented and extraordinary to ask for a sitting president to be submitted to, but, if you have paid attention to the question regarding Trump’s mental health, this is what a sane community would do to take care of one of its less sane members, especially when that person poses a clear threat and has extraordinary powers to do harm through, what experts call, Trump’s “narcissistic rage”.

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