President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation

The assassination of the Iranian general Soleimani is almost certainly not because of some geopolitical strategic calculus by Trump. Two reasons will back up this observation. One, Trump is according to many mental health professionals not capable of such reasoning anymore and, two, according to many geopolitical analysts the risks far outweigh the advantages for … Continue reading “President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation”

Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions

A Seeker Speaks / Thursday, November 27, 2008 / Steve Larsen In recent months, we have seen unprecedented upheavals the US as well as the global economy. Big banks have fallen, as have insurance companies and brokerage companies followed by huge losses in the stock market. It is estimated US citizens have lost over a … Continue reading “Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions”

On Trump: The Ruling Pathocrat

Last summer I read many contributions to the anthology The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, written by 27 professional mental health care workers.[1] One paper caught my attention, which was “Who Goes Trump?” by Elizabeth Mika. She is a psychologist with a Polish background and the only contributor referring to the very important study of … Continue reading “On Trump: The Ruling Pathocrat”

On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties

At the average rate of 4.88 lies a day [1] the current US president during his first 100 days in office has disgraced his office and further besmirched the international reputation of the US. Lie by lie he has walled himself in and lost credibility in the eyes of most sane and rational people. The … Continue reading “On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties”

On Trump: The Aspiring Pathocrat

In previous posts I have commented on some of the psychological dynamics of Trump and the political dynamics of his followers. In this post I like to explore the rather dark territory of their interaction in rather clinical terminology necessary to get a sane and objective grip on this otherwise very disturbing phenomenon. I will … Continue reading “On Trump: The Aspiring Pathocrat”

On Trump: Diagnosing 301.81 and the Goldwater Rule

During the 2015/16 US presidential primaries consensus emerged among health professionals [1], knowledgeable journalists [2,3,4] and those engaged in amateur diagnoses [5] that the psychological profile of then presidential candidate Donald Trump hovered somewhere between having a (curable) narcissist character trait of a malignant kind and suffering from (irreversible) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Making such … Continue reading “On Trump: Diagnosing 301.81 and the Goldwater Rule”