Financial Help is Available

Posted on Categories Economics

For most of us in the service industry this pandemic will become a serious financial challenge. But there are multiple ways to find help. Here are a few I have collected so far:

1) Claim unemployment benefits at the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). They changed their criteria such that if your workplace closed down because of the coronavirus you may still claim benefits [1].

2) Expect on April 6 and May 18 a check straight from the US Treasury of at least $1,000. Some would like to see the total amount go above $2,000, even to $4,500 [2,7].

3) If you still have to file federal taxes and owe the IRS,  you can wait paying those without penalty [2].

4) The Nicor Gas company will provide help with one-time grants to individuals and families in need [3].

5) If you owe rent or mortgage, check with the receiving company. They might have a program in place to temporarily defer payments. They might even have contacted you already.

6) You can apply for assistance with the One Fair Wage campaign, which fights for a livable income for service industry people. They started an Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund [4].

7) Check your local food pantries [5].

8) You can start a Go-Fund-Me page on behalf of someone else or yourself. Let all your family, friends and co-workers know with a narrative of your plight [6].

9) And latest news is that the US Senate approved a relieve package which will “provide sick leave, unemployment benefits, free coronavirus testing, and food and medical aid to people affected by the pandemic” [7].

Let me know about other sources to add to this list, which can also be accessed here.

Be well and safe and check on each other.








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