Labor Day and Monetary Reform

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Labor Day might be the appropriate day to confirm the establishment of an activist organization promoting economic and social justice by reforming the US monetary system. Its name is the Alliance for Just Money.

The goal is to bring the money system back under sovereign, constitutional control away from the commercial banks which have abused their prerogative to create the money supply by creating a string of devastating crises in the financial sector and unnecessary economic hardships to most citizens.

Many economists, bankers and other experts now agree on the specific chain of causation of these crises and many agree on the kind of legislation necessary to fundamentally address the problem.

In the US a bill is ready to be re-introduced to congress which will institute the necessary sovereign monetary reform. It is the 2012 National Emergency Employment Defense Act (NEED Act) developed by now former congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Stephen Zarlenga of The American Monetary Institute.

For too long commercial bankers, central bankers and their allied economists and politicians have downplayed, if not intentionally ignored, the real nature of banking and money creation. Recent research has irreversibly exposed the actual mechanisms underlying money creation and its link to financial crises with the Bank of England in 2014 most conspicuously admitting the truth.

It is now up to the citizenry to educate itself on monetary matters and then to put pressure on their representatives to become in turn literate on these issues and sponsor the kind of legislation which will radically rectify the the current deeply flawed system.

Please avail yourself of the proffered resources to educate yourself on monetary issues. The issue in the end is not that complex and once grasped it will trigger an epiphany hard to eradicate.

It might even radicalize you as congressman Charles Binderup (D-AR) observed in 1938 in paraphrasing an insight by Henry Ford:

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” (Source)

And radical change in favor of the working and middle class is what Labor Day was originally all about.

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