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The Power of Existential Intuition

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What is Phenomenology? (1997) by Lester Embree

Phenomenology and Spirituality (2001) by Govert Schuller

The Relevance of Phenomenology for Theosophy (2005) idem

Do It Yourself Phenomenology (n.d.) by Theodore Kisiel (Outline)

"What is Phenomenology?" (1962) by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Preface from Phenomenology of Perception



"Categorial intentions and Objects" by Robert Sokolowski, Chapter 7 from Introduction to Phenomenology (Outline)

"Eidetic Intuition," chapter 8, idem

"Heidegger: Hermeneutics as the Interpretation of Existence" by Jean Grodin, Chapter V from Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics (Outline)

"The Visual Field: First Phenomenological Excursus" by Don Ihde, Chapter 3 from Experimental Phenomenology

"From Socrates to Artificial Intelligence: The Limits of Rule-based Rationality" (2002) by Hubert L Dreyfus

"Can there be a better source of meaning than everyday practices? Reinterpreting Division I of Being and Time in the light of Division II" (2002) Idem

"The Nature of Consciousness: The Existential-Phenomenological Approach" by D.M. Moss and E. Keen, Chapter 4 from Metaphors of Consciousness

"Heideggerian Thinking and the Eastern Mind" by Rolf von Eckartsberg and Ronald S. Valle, from: Metaphors of Consciousness

"Contemplative Thinking: The European and Asian Approaches of Heidegger and Krishnamurti" by Lex Hixon, chapter 1 from Coming Home: The Experience Of Enlightenment In Sacred Traditions

"Phenomenology of Religion" (2000) by A. Scott Moreau

"A Plea for the Introduction of Edmund Husserl's Phenomenological method into Parapsychology" (1953) by Gerda Walther

"The Two Sophias or the Relationship of Theosophy and Philosophy" by J.J. Poortman from Philosophy, Theosophy, Parapsychology: Some Essays on Diverse Subjects

"The New Humanity of Intuition" (1938) by C. Jinarajadasa.

"Proem" by H. P. Blavatsky, from The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis Of Science, Religion, And Philosophy

"Fear as a Mode of State-of-Mind" by Martin Heidegger, from Being and Time

"Faith and Truth" by Martin Heidegger, from Contributions to Philosophy, § 237.


The Future of Being (2005) by Theodore Kisiel

Heidegger's Schematism of Existence (1984) by Theodore Kisiel

Cogito-Dasein Contrast (1992) by Theodore Kisiel

Ways of true-ing (2004) by Theodore Kisiel/Erik Marsh/Govert Schuller

Exoteric/Esoteric & Apriori/A posteriori Map

The Structure of Intentionality

Flow Chart of Intentionality in different Experiences

Flow Chart of Eidetic Analysis

Kinds of Beings

Stages of Intuition: From Simple to Existential

Analytic/Synthetic & A priori/A posteriori Map

Differentiated Qualities of Matter

Seven Principles of Man


Being-in as such (2004) by Govert Schuller

The Ascension as Ultimate Transcendence (2004) idem.

Radical Theosophy (2004) by Christopher Richardson

Flow chart of mental activity

Krishnamurti discussion

From Ken Wilber

Annotated Bibliography

Some Closing Remarks on the Power of Existential Intuition



Copyright © 2001 - G.W. Schüller
