Site for Esoteric History 

Dossier on the Economy

Research, articles, resources


Lightbearers should know that the Austrian school of economics is the one that comes closest to an honest assessment of economic issues and can deliver many of the insights and principles on which a Golden Age economy should be based.

Some of the leading thinkers in this school were Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Murray Rothbard. Their works are worth studying for they will give you the tools a) to see through many of the outrageous financial manipulations by the power elite, b) understand the possible remedies and c) take measures to protect your own assets.

The latest thinker in this school I became aware of is Kurt Richebacher. I have been studying his reports and letters for a little while now and find myself compelled to share the following:

The fundamentals of the USA economy are in such bad shape that it will only be a matter of time for the necessary market corrections to take place. This probably will happen in a series of shocks to the system. The timing of these shocks and their consequences are hard to predict, but one of them is now well on its way and that's the bursting of the real estate bubble. Prices are flat, inventory is up and the home equity loan business drying up with the possible effect that American consumers will tap into their mutual funds to obtain liquidity, which will exert a downward pressure on the stock market, which in its volatitlity is again in the danger zone close to collapse next week due to the expiration of all kinds of options and futures. A repeat of the 1987 Black Monday scenario will not be a surprise, which I--to give some backing to my dilitant dabbling in economic science--predicted to happen based on research done as preparation for a lecture on economic issues for the Summit Lighthouse of Holland Foundation. During that research I became familiar with the works of Dutch economist Pieter Lakeman and Dutch journalist Pauline van de Ven. They wrote together in 1984 "Failliet op Krediet: De Rol van de Banken in Nederland" (Broke by Credit: The Role of the Dutch Banks). Their analysis pretty much goes parallel with what Richebacher sees happening in the US economy: too much easy money leading to fundamental imbalances to be straigthened out by disastrous corrections. All enabled by its central bankers with the Greenspan Fed now the most culpable and irresponsible of them all.

Please read for yourself some samples of Richebacher's analyses on the web site of the Richebacher Letter and start your own research.

For more research read the following articles and the resources cited.

Articles & e-mails

The State of the US Economy, September 2007: Quotes, Analyses & Expectations (September 2007)
This little report intends to give 1) a sense of the precarious state of the international economy , 2) some advise for personal preparedness, 3) warnings about the way the power elite will use the crisis to further its own dangerous agenda, and 4) inspiration for some possible solutions

E-mail following above Report (September, 2007)
The morning after sending the above report the top news item was the bank run on a UK bank, Northern Rock, the first in a 100 years in the UK. An ominous sign.

Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulation (October 2007)
Follow-up article of "The State of the US Economy" zooming in on three deceptive strategies to manipulate the economy: 1) the setting of interest rates by the Feds, 2) stock-market manipulations by the Plunge Protection Team and 3) manipulation of the gold price by central banks.

Six Degrees to Meltdown (March 2008)
Looking into the high possibility of a systemic financial meltdown caused by the far-reaching fallout of the US sub-prime mortgage problem and the possibility that the crisis was designed as part of a long-term One World agenda.

Sliding into VGGD (Very Great Global Depression) (April 2009)
Nothing has been effectively done to stop the slide. Not by Bush-Paulson, nor by Obama-Geithner. Only more interventionist policies, massive bail-outs and the IMF's Special Drawing Rights as an emerging global currency for the New World Order.

When the Dollar Rallies, the Market will Crash (November 2009) Article by Mike Withney on the next dangerous bubble. Extensive quotes from Prof. Nouriel Roubini. Introduction by editor

Source Materials

Doomsday for the Dollar: Why the Dollar Will Crash and How You Can Profit. By Kurt Richabacher. In-depth analysis by renowned economist of the Austrian school of economics.

The Endangered US Dollar. Article by Richard Heinberg on the history and geopolitics of gold, money, banking and oil and the causes and effects of a likely "run on the US dollar." Originally published in the MuseLetter 149 (August 2004). Republished in Nexus 12/1 (Jan-Feb 2005).


The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking by G. Edward Griffin.

The Federal Reserve: A Discourse by G. Edward Griffin

The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America. Directed and narrated by Bill Still.

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve from the
Ludwig von Mises Institute.




Copyright © 2001 - G.W. Schüller
