Site for Esoteric History 

The Abiding Communist Threat in its Open and Hidden Manifestations

On D-Day and Reagan

Few of us might appreciate the fact that in the late 1980s the old Soviet Empire did not delay its own apparent demise with a nuclear first strike against the USA and a Blitzkrieg overrunning Europe. If the Soviet Politburo had decided to advance militarily, a second D-Day would have been necessary to liberate Europe again. Off course this is premised on the scenario that the USA would have survived the nuclear exchange and garnered the will and industrial base to execute such a huge military offensive as was operation Overlord in WWII. Few in the West realized that the Soviet military machine became increasingly ready to make the ultimate gamble of achieving communism's aim of world dominion through military means. Fortunately the Soviets didn't go to war. Those who were prepared for that eventuality might have subsequently doubted the reason for their preparations, though the adagio 'safe--not sorry' would have been more appropriate.

In stead of war the communists implemented another plan.(1) This other agenda was not of a military nature, but a flexible strategic retreat in the face of President Reagan's intention to outspend, face down and ultimately destroy the "Evil Empire." Reagan intended to achieve these goals by means of a massive military build-up, moving towards a defense against strategic ballistic missiles (SDI or Star Wars) and capitalizing on the achieved strategic advantages through diplomacy. Though Reagan is now credited with having made some of the decisive moves towards defeating communism by winning the Cold War, this common perception has to be challenged in the light of an alternative interpretation of events.

"Things aren't Clear in Eastern Europe"

Behind the facade of restructuring (perestroika), opening up (glasnost) its system, and the 'letting go' of its satellites, the inner core of the Soviet power elite followed a different strategic plan, one that was formulated and put in place in the late 50s.

"The genuine KGB defector Anatoly Golitsyn has revealed that in 1958, Khrushchev summoned the top leadership of the intelligence community to examine alternative means of achieving the Soviet Party's aim of dominating the world by methods other than nuclear war-an encounter which gave rise to the momentous refurbishment of revolutionary strategy referred to by Golitsyn as the 'long-range strategy' which has reached an advanced stage of development under Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin (selected by the strategic collective to front successive stages of the strategy). The intelligence community reported that they had so many agents and agents of influence in place throughout the West that they could be deployed in a strategy of global deception [Peter Wright, Spycatcher, Heinemann Australia, 1987]. In Golitsyn's more precise terms, the Party instructed the KGB to realise its full strategic revolutionary potential, and mass two-way penetration of the Party and the intelligence services then took place, to facilitate this momentous development." (2)

It was already in the early 60s this plan was revealed to the west by Anatoly Golitsyn.(3) The plan was a classic instance of strategic deception, of making one's adversary believe a plethora of false impressions by which it would come to erroneous conclusions about the intentions and capacity of its enemy and subsequently make mistaken policy decisions favorable to its adversary.

Soviet expert John Lenczowski described the situation most succinctly in a comment in the Los Angeles Times in the late 80s under the title "Things aren't Clear in Eastern Europe." It's worth presenting it in total:

"Could it be that we are seeing a replay of the Soviet strategy of Brest-Litovsk? That 1918 gambit, in which the soviets temporarily gave up territory to Germany to gain time to consolidate power, has served ever since as a Leninist model for tactical retreat before a renewed offensive.
It is argued that even if Moscow instigated the revolution in Eastern Europe for whatever purposes, it has got out of control. It is said that even if the Kremlin wanted a gaggle of little Gorbachevs in the East, it could not have wanted the crowds, the jeers, the anti-Communist placards.

Can the crowds be harnessed? The conventional wisdom in the West is that they cannot. But how do we know this? What do we know about the leaders of the various opposition groups? In some countries, we know a lot; in others, very little. We must remember that for 70 years the Kremlin has been in the business of infiltrating opposition groups, even creating them, so as to control the people who would be attracted to them.

In 1984, the KGB defector Anatoli Golytsin predicted a false liberalization in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union whose reforms would be so dazzling that the West would be incapable of retaining a consensus in favor of a strong defense. A deception of such magnitude is well beyond the scope of the Western imagination. But so was Moscow's "trust" operation in the 1920s, which involved the creation of a false opposition and which succeeded in deceiving 11 Western intelligence agencies for several years.

We should wait and see how the chips fall. If all we are seeing is a temporary, limited or false liberalization, we may regret it if someday we awaken to an even greater threat, and with no credible deterrent." (4)

The Communist Grand Strategy

The ultimate goal of the communist grand strategy is world dominion, which can be achieved either through a) internal revolutions, b) military conquest or c) a convergence, on communist terms, of the capitalist and communist systems into a world government. All three strategies are combined in different ways dependent on the strategic need of the hour. Within the context of the ultimate communist aim the advantage of strategic deception is obvious. The more the West is convinced of the communists' 'good' intentions and its internal weaknesses and divisions, the more the West might relax its strategic vigilance and even, unwittingly, actively help it to achieve its aims.

The main components of the strategic deception are a) diverse false internal splits within the communist bloc with the false Sino-Soviet split being the most important one, b) the creation of controlled internal political oppositions, c) the ability to institute false liberalizations and d), most importantly, the ability to keep this long-term strategic plan secret.

The Alleged Sino-Soviet Split

The false Sino-Soviet split was one of the first successful strategic deceptions out of which the communist bloc gained enormous advantages. In the short run it opened up China to the West as a 'strategic' anti-Soviet partner. This made the Soviets look less strong and imposing, which set the conditions for 'détente,' out of which the Soviets got, besides an increased entrée into the West, a lot of food, technology, credits and other useful commodities. In the long run the Sino-American strategic partnership enabled China to become a silent military and industrial behemoth, even to the point of housing an ever-increasing part of the industrial base of the capitalist world itself, sustaining the largest standing army ever and penetrating the West through economic fronts. (5) Golitsyn best formulated the situation in that "Communist China is not a strategic partner but a concealed strategic enemy of the United States." And while "China is a tactical, not a strategic partner of the United States" it is at the same time "a tactical, but not strategic 'enemy' of the Soviet Union." (6)

Controlled Oppositions and False Liberalizations

The creation of controlled political oppositions and the ability to institute false liberalizations went hand in hand during the so-called 'velvet' revolutions in the late 80s in Eastern Europe. After the Soviets retreated from Eastern Europe, those countries were mostly taken over by ex-communists and/or persons otherwise very close to the old communist regimes. The same happened in the republics comprising the former USSR. An analysis, nation by nation, has to be done to see with what measure of success the new parties and rulers are still part of the hidden structure of controlled oppositions, especially in those former communist countries that have recently joined NATO. (7)

It could be argued that the West's expansion eastward--absorbing Eastern European countries into the European Union and NATO--was a severe setback to the Sino-Russian long-term strategy. These countries would have been purged of these deep communist networks by its new non-communist governments. But did that really occur? The communist grand strategy, at an intermediary stage, aimed at the de-coupling of the USA and Europe, both militarily and politically, and the dissolution of NATO was a high-priority objective. They might have counted on the fact that once the original raison d'être of NATO--military defense against the expanding Soviet Empire--would be perceived as non-existent anymore, the internal political dynamics in Europe might call for the dissolution of NATO. This scenario didn't happen. Nevertheless, given the West's relative ignorance and blindness of the long-term Sino-Russian strategy, the communist strategists will have turned the set-back around and used the opportunity to have their East European assets further burrow into the West's security services and NATO itself. (8)

Secrecy and the long-term Strategic Plan

The reorganization of the KGB in the late 1950s boiled down to changing it from a conventional espionage agency into a flexible tool for long-term geo-political deception. Three essential elements had to be put in place to make the KGB into an effective strategic tool for deceiving the West: 1) the KGB would now allow more contact between 'Soviet sources of secrets' and Western intelligence services and thereby opening channels of communication for disinformation to flow. 2) The KGB would be split in an outer and inner part. The outer part was made up of those agents that had contacts with Western services and could be compromised and therefore used as channels--mostly unbeknownst to themselves--for disinformation. The inner part, supervised by the Politburo, planned, orchestrated and evaluated the deceptions. 3) For a very effective evaluation of its deceptions the KGB would receive feedback from its many moles. In this way the KGB could monitor the West's acceptance or suspicion of the many pieces of disinformation fed into its system. The result was a sophisticated apparatus capable of managing and fine-tuning the perceptions of the West of Sino-Russian realities and intentions. (9)

Unfortunately Western intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, had a hard time coping with this level of sophistication once it was revealed by Golitsyn. It had a tendency to settle for a "single mind-set" about KGB operations and thought it had the iron proof capability to assess deceptions. Instead of creating an A and B team approach, in which each team takes an opposite view, the CIA in the end dumped the Golytsin line of analysis and went into denial, from which it has not yet awoken. (10) Interestingly, it was the Nixon White House, in its desire to play the Chinese against the Soviets, which pressed for this purge. It took the Sino-Soviet split for real and wanted to exploit it by opening up to China. The architect of this policy was Nixon's National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger, who was either the most willing dupe of Sino-Soviet deceptions, or, more probable, the best and most productive agent of influence the Communists ever recruited, developed and helped into the highest policy circles in Washington, as was revealed by another important communist defector, Michael Goliniewski. (11) Kissinger's regular meetings with his friend, the Soviet Ambassador to the US Anatoli Dobrynin, was the perfect setting for giving the Soviets feedback on the success of their strategic deceptions. He even helped the Soviets with advice on how to negotiate arms control agreements more effectively.

The Fifth Column

The communist threat to the West is not a monolithic one, by which the West can posture as the good guy and the communists can be easily portrayed as the evil ones. And it is not the case that the communists are only helped in the West by members of local communist parties, fellow travelers, sympathizers, useful idiots and some of its lucky moles. The threat is more internal and deep than most would like to acknowledge. The analysis of treasonous elements in the West, helping the long-term designs of the socialist/communist agenda, would not be complete without an overview of the interlocking network of American think-thanks and semi-secret societies with extensive ties with, and sympathies for, the socialist agenda and its institutions. (12) Without this part of the equation the idea of a grand Sino-Russian strategic deception would defy all imagination and probability. Only by assessing the power and influence of this network can one get an idea of the why and how of the success of the strategic Sino-Russian deceptions. It is not without significance that Kissinger rose to prominence through his work in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a New York based bi-partisan foreign policy think-tank. This organization is setting the agenda for most of the long-term policies of the USA and, through its control of the yearly Trilateral Commission meetings and Bilderberg conferences, of Western Europe and Japan as well. (13) It is a front for the British Round Table network with its Fabian Socialist agenda for domestic affairs and an imperial interventionist agenda in foreign policy. (14) The network was established by the imperialist Cecil Rhodes, whose motto was, paraphrased, "socialism for the masses, imperialism abroad." The CFR inherited the management of the British/French/Dutch Empire when it fell in American hands after WWII and is today the dominant architect of the American Welfare/warfare State. (15) Since its inception the CFR has been interlocked with the very powerful Yale senior fraternity Skull & Bones, of which Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and John Kerry are all members. (16) It is a chapter of a German secret society, which has not yet been exposed, but educated guesses go toward Weishaupt's Order of Illuminati, fountainhead of most of socialism's ideas and conspiratorial modus operandi. (17) A small influential sub-set of this network, the Trotskyite Likudnik neo-conservative cabal, has taken over the conservative movement and, within Bush II, many of the levers of American state power. It tricked the USA into this disastrous military adventure in Iraq thereby creating more terrorists, alienating its allies, almost bankrupting the US Treasury, subverting and demoralizing the intelligence community and neglecting counter-intelligence against Russian and Chinese penetrations. In short, creating a far more dangerous security environment for the USA than existed before Gulf War II. So far the only ones profiting from this policy seem to be Iran, Israel and some politically well connected corporations. While republicans can foam at the mouth about anything liberal, they have a curious blind spot for the presence of half-reformed ex-communists amongst themselves. (18)

Where are we Now?

The big question now is about Russia itself and in what way the old communist power elite is still in command. The popular perception is that the Soviet Empire is gone, the communists out of office, the internal security apparatus dissolved, its army in tatters and the country reformed along modern western lines with a free press, free markets, freedom of religion etc. Apparently enough to refute the Golitsyn line of analysis and relegate that to the status of outdated Cold War paranoia. The reality is quite different. The press, religious freedom and the Duma do exist, but are effectively muzzled; the KGB, on its own and also allied with the Russian Mafiya, is still very active internally and worldwide (19); its military-industrial complex producing ever more state of the art ICBMs like the SS-27 and its military in a far less sorry state than is believed (20); commercial and military ties with China are expanding; and its current president is a former KGB chief, Vladimir Putin, nicknamed 'Little Andropov.' (21) In short, there are plenty of signs that the old communist forces of oppression and militarism made an effective comeback after a temporary tactical retreat, thereby making Golytsin something of a prophet rather than a crackpot. (22)

Meanwhile China, a regional power with global ambitions, looms on the horizon as the next big hostile opponent to the USA in the coming Cold War II. Its steady, even rapid, expansion in the fields of economic and military power, intelligence gathering, alliances with organized crime, friendship with Russia, are for many of great concern. (23) Unfortunately, neither Reagan, nor his successors, did sufficiently encompass the defeat of the communists in China within their strategy. Despite all trade and other 'engagements' with China since Nixon and Kissinger cozied up to the proletarian dictators in Beijing, the Chinese communists are not liberalizing politically. On the contrary, the Tiananmen Square tragedy made that quite clear. Beijing will not allow belatedly democratic Hong Kong to infect the rest of China with 'bourgeois' Western notions of human rights, rule of law and democracy. There is no end to the outrageous human rights violations in Tibet. But the trade goes on, now made easier by China's permanent most-favored-nation (MFN) trading status and membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Closing Remarks

For lack of space and time this article has to leave out issues like the communist involvement in international terrorism and its implications for the West's war on terrorism; the prospect of war between the West and a Sino-Russian combo; the looming economic crisis and the ways that crisis could be triggered and exploited by all the networks and forces identified in this article; questions of epistemology, of evidence and the hermeneutics of suspicion versus trust, and many other philosophical issues; and the very important esoteric angle of the equation, including the metaphysics of evil. Hopefully at least the internal logic of a framework of analysis has been presented in this article with which recent world history and the daily news can be (re-)interpreted along alternative lines. Suffice to say that the need of the hour is preparation at the personal level and the emergence of a robust constitutionalist anti-Marxist third party, which could institute a sound domestic and foreign policy.


Govert Schuller
July 4th 2004



1) A Mahatma warned in 1989, during the hey-day of mostly non-violent political revolutions sweeping Eastern Europe, that "… if [the Soviets] do not go to war, they will have on their hands a wholesale war and revolution [of the people], as you can see [in the] events passing every day [in Eastern Europe]. And there is only one reason why they do not stop their satellite nations from moving toward greater freedom. It is because, beloved, they have another agenda." Saint Germain in Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 32, No. 55, November 11, 1989. [back to text]

2) "Communist Subversion of Religion, Part 1" by Christopher Story in The Schwarz Report, Vol. 40, No. 8, August 2000. http://www.schwarzreport.org/

[back to text]

3) Anatoly Golitsyn's allegations were taken seriously by many in the West's intelligence services, especially by the CIA head of counterintelligence, the controversial James Jesus Angleton. Many books, both sympathetic and hostile, have been written analyzing his case. One of the best would be Edward Jay Epstein's Deception: The Invisible War between the KGB and the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989) and Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Actions Speak Louder than Words (Livingston, MT: S.U. Press, 1989). Golitsyn's own two books are New Lies for Old: The Communist Strategy for Deception and Disinformation (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1984) and The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency (London & New York: Edward Hale, 1995). An early rendering of the story can be found in Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Ballantine Books, 1981 [1980]) by David C. Martin. A fictionalized account of Golitsyn's defection and its effects on the Cuban missile crisis and French intelligence came from Leon Uris in the novel Topaz (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967), later made into a movie with the same title by Alfred Hitchcock. Two books very critical of the Angleton-Golitsyn period are Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter by Tom Mangold (New York: Touchstone, 1991) and Molehunt: The Secret Search for Traitors that Shattered the CIA by David Wise (New York: Random House, 1992). Also worth mentioning is the clever interpretation of the Golitsyn case and "mole hunt mess" by reporter Ron Rosenbaum in his article "The Shadow of the Mole." Originally published in Harper's in October 1983, it can be found in Travels with Dr. Death (New York: Penguin, 1991). His thesis is that Golitsyn's message itself was one very sophisticated piece of misinformation that subsequently wrecked the CIA in a phantom molehunt. [back to text]

4) The text was taken from a copy made from the International Herald Tribune in either 1987 or 1988. [back to text]

5) For a geo-political perspective of China's strategic economic power see:

I) "The Fed and China's Grand Strategy" by J. R. Nyquist in Financial Sense Online, 6/17/2004.

Quote: "China is an important economic player; and contrary to what you may have heard, China is not in the pro-American camp. It is a rival power that is currently using trade as a strategic steppingstone. Notion's of China's self interest being tied to China-U.S. trade are deceptive. China's political leaders want their country to become the world's leading power. They resent American military dominance and seek to undermine America's global position, using economic, diplomatic as well as military means. China's trade with America is a tool in a larger strategy that aims at America's downfall. Failing to realize this, American policy toward China has never been realistic."

II) "Sidewinder--Secret--RCMP-CSIS Joint Review Committee--Draft Submission"
"A draft report submitted by a joint committee of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on the Chinese subversion and penetration of Canada."
[back to text]

6) Anatoly Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency (London & New York: Edward Hale, 1995), p. 37. [back to text]

7) Robert W. Lee made such an assessment in 1995 for The New American. See his "The 'Former' Soviet Bloc." The New American, Vol. 11, No. 19, September 18, 1995.

Quote: "Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this 'collapse' of Communism is the extent to which so many Americans have been persuaded to believe that leopards who long served the old Soviet and Iron Curtain regimes, and who continue to exercise decisive power within their respective nations today, not only changed their spots, but transformed into benign pussy cats." [back to text]

8) See for example an interview by Jeff R. Nyquist with the Czech Vladimir Hucin, who was a dissident in the old communist Czechoslovakia and served in the intelligence service of the new Check republic.
"Bolshevik Inquisition - Part II: Hucin speaks out" by Hana Catalanova.

Quote: "JRN: What threat do clandestine communist structures in the Czech republic pose to NATO? What are the implications for the European Union?

HUCIN: As for NATO and the security issue, I think that representatives of this organization are being very naïve, and that they should create some kind of mechanism which would serve to verify certain matters from another point of view, quite independently of how these are presented to them today -- "on a silver platter." Really, there are people in the General Staff of the armed forces and in the security structures who I had great disputes with. Also among the counter-intelligence personnel there are many who in the past held various important communist posts, and are therefore absolutely untrustworthy. It has to be said that this service is also infiltrated by former agents of the Slovak intelligence service who are just waiting for a favorable situation. Personally, I do not want to "paint a devil on the wall," but those security clearances that I know of and I am able to provide the evidence about were all completely insufficient, and this was intentional, and those who got such clearances by no means offer any guarantees. This would have to be specifically substantiated by some documents, so whoever is interested in this matter could form an objective view." [back to text]

9) Epstein, Deception, pp. 82-85. [back to text]

10 ) Epstein, Deception, chapter 6 "The Last Days of Angleton," pp. 86-104. [back to text]

11) On Kissinger's ties to Soviet intelligence see:

I. Frank A. Capell, Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent (Zarephath, N.J.: The Herald of Freedom, 1974)

Quote: "It was in 1961 and 1962 that our source informed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) about Kissinger who at that time appeared to be an unimportant Harvard professor. In 1973 he again brought the matter to the attention of the British Security Service and American Intelligence since Kissinger was no longer "unimportant," having become President Nixon's National Security Adviser. Since the controlled press and communications media have given no publicity to the charges concerning Kissinger, only those persons with access to small independent publications have learned that Kissinger has been named as a Soviet agent. Many persons, however, have come to the conclusion based solely on his activities."

(For more quotes taken from the book see "Kissinger Out Of The Closet" by Charlotte Iserbyt at NewsWithViews.com [November 27, 2002] at http://www.newswithviews.com/iserbyt/iserbyt3.htm .)

II. "Henry Kissinger: This Man Is On The Other Side" by W. P. Hoar in American Opinion, June 1975.

Quote: "In view of such a record one is not surprised to find that Henry A. Kissinger was years ago identified as a K.G.B. undercover agent, code-named Bor, assigned to a Soviet spy ring called ODRA. Our intelligence agencies were briefed on this as long ago as 1961 by an important anti-Communist who had for years operated behind the Iron Curtain at a high level of Communist intelligence and personally saw Kissinger's K.G.B. dossier. The source of this information supplied data resulting in the exposure and arrest of scores of other K.G.B. agents planted high in the Governments of Britain, Sweden, France, Germany, and Israel. He was formally voted the thanks of the American people in a special Congressional Resolution. Yet his detailed revelations about Kissinger have been buried. And Henry A. Kissinger, who worked with the Reds in Germany after World War II, now runs the U.S. intelligence network from above." [back to text]

12) In this context it is more accurate to speak of an International Capitalist-Communist Conspiracy (I.C.C.C.) as Elizabeth Clare Prophet has done in her many lectures on the subject. See for example Mother's Manifesto on SALT II: The Deliverers and the Destroyers of the People in Peace and in War (Malibu, CA: Summit University Press, 1979); The Coming Revolution: The Alchemical Key: 1666 (Tape A7969); On the Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism, (Tape A7938); The Psychology of Socialism/The KGB: Organized Terror (Tape A7892); The Religious Philosophy of Karl Marx/The Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ (Tape A7896). All are cassettes or cassette albums published by Summit University Press. Jesus and Gautama commissioned these manifestos on July 4, 1976 in Washington, D.C. "to counter the lies put forth in Marx's Communist Manifesto." (Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 24, No. 12, March 22, 1981, ftn. 32).

Though New Age spirituality can be quite nebulous, naïve or outright deceptive in its thinking about Marxism and communism, it has to be noted that Blavatsky, Krishnamurti and Prophet are here on the same sane anti-Communist line. Blavatsky stated about the Theosophical Society, that it is "Unconcerned about politics; hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and of Communism, which it abhors-as both are but disguised conspiracies of brutal force and sluggishness against honest labour; the Society cares but little about the outward human management of the material world." ("What are the Theosophists?" in The Theosophist, Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1879, pp. 5-7). Ingram Smith recounts a most interesting story about a public discussion between Krishnamurti and Dr. N. M. Perera, a communist, barrister and member of the Sri Lanka parliament. The discussion was about communism, its take on human conditioning and its authoritarian solutions. Krishnamurti made it clear he would never submit to any totalitarian regime however noble its idealistic aims might be. He would rather be a martyr. [Ingram Smith The Transparent Mind: A Journey with Krishnamurti (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2000), pp. 21-25.] [back to text]

13) On the Council on Foreign Relations see: Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United states Foreign Policy (New York: Monthly review Press, 1977); Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966) and its book length review by Cleon Skousen The Naked Capitalist (Salt Lake City: the author, 1971); Dan Smoot The Invisible Government (Boston: Western Islands, 1965 [1962]); Gary Allen None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Seal Beach, CA: Concord press, 1971). [back to text]

14) An in-depth study of Fabian Socialism is Rose L. Martin's Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. (Boston: Western Islands, 1966). Fabian Socialism is a non-revolutionary gradual form of socialism. It works 'by stealth, secrecy and suaveness' in its 'penetration' and 'permeation' of the political body of its host country in order to promote its socialist agenda. The Fabian Society was founded in 1884 in Great Britain and its American out-post, the American Fabian League, in 1895. This organization was "not planned as a mass organization. Its avowed purpose was to unite all existing reform movements in America under the leadership of individual Socialists, who in turn received their instructions from a single Executive Committee." (Martin, 139)

For the thesis that George Orwell's dark satiric novel 1984 was directed at the Fabians and not so much against Fascists see "Orwell's 1984: The Future Is Here" by David Goodman in Insight Magazine (Dec. 7, 2001).

[back to text]

15) To get an insight into the pivotal role played by think-tanks in the policy-making process see especially the work of G. William Domhoff: The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America (New York: Random House, 1970); The Powers that Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America (New York: Random House, 1978); Who Rules America Now? A View for the 80s (Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983); The Power Elite and the State: How Policy is made in America (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990). [back to text]

16) On Skull & Bones see the work of Prof. Antony C. Sutton, who obtained its membership list and had sources inside the fraternity: America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (Billings, Montana: Liberty House Press, 1986); The Two Faces of George Bush (Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin, 1988). See also the more recent book by Alexandra Robbins Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths to Power (New York: Little, Brown, 2002). Robbins book seems more apologetic than critical and it doesn't mention the break-through investigations by Sutton. See also an early article by Ron Rosenbaum "Last Secrets of Skull and Bones" originally published in Esquire (September, 1977), reprinted in Travels with Dr. Death (New York: Penguin, 1991) and The Secret Parts of Fortune: Three Decades of Intensive Investigations and Edgy Enthusiasms (New York: Random House, 2000). For an online article see "George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order" (April 1991) by Paul Goldstein and Jeffrey Steinberg. http://www.alpheus.org/html/source_materials/

[back to text]

17) See "Memorandum Number Five: Is the Order also the Illuminati?" in America's Secret Establishment, pp.212-214.

For more on the Illuminati see: Nesta Webster World Revolution: The Plot against Civilization (London: Constable, 1921) and Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (Hawthorne, CA: Christian Book Club, n.d. [1924]); Neal Wilgus The Illuminoids: Secret Societies and Political Paranoia (Albuquerque NM: Sun Books, 1978); James H. Billington Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith (New York: Basic Books, 1980). [back to text]

18) About the neo-conservatives see:

I) "An Introduction to Neoconservatism" by Gary North at LewRockwell.com (June 10, 2003)

II) "The CFR - NeoCon Connection" by James Hall at Prison Planet.com (June 11, 2003)

III) "Neoconservatism: Where Trotsky Meets Stalin And Hitler" by Srdja Trifkovic in Chronicles Magazine (July 23, 2003)

IV) "Why won't anyone say they are Jewish?" by Kalle Lasn in Adbuster Magazine (Vol. 52, March/April 2004)

V) "The Shadow of Zog (Exegesis of Besson)" by Israel Shamir (self published, n.d.)

[back to text]

19) About the longevity of the KGB see:

I.The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia--Past, Present, and Future by Yevgenia Albats and Catherine Fitzpatrick (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1994)

Quote from Publishers Weekly: "Albats, a Russian journalist in Newsweek's Moscow bureau, argues that despite the breakup of the Soviet Union, the KGB remains powerful. Drawing on documents from state security files, interviews with former secret police and her own journal, she maintains that the KGB engineered the perestroika policy of the late 1980s to reposition itself at the top of the infrastructure, then choreographed the coup attempt of August 1991, which served to entrench itself even more solidly. She holds out little hope for democracy in Russia as long as the KGB-now known as the Federal Counterintelligence Service-continues to flourish. In this engrossing mix of first-person reportage and lucid analysis, Albats shows the KGB as a political institution operating in a legal vacuum with no checks or balances."

II."Symposium: KGB Resurrection" by Jamie Glazov
FrontPageMagazine.com, April 30, 2004

Quote: "Despite the fall of communism in Russia more than a decade ago, thousands of former KGB officers and other members of the Soviet nomenklatura hold significant positions of power in Russia today. The nation also appears to be experiencing a process of re-Brezhnevization, which is marked by the resurrection of the former secret police. What is the significance of this phenomenon?" [back to text]

20) See for example the two following reports on Russian military hardware and strategic thinking, and a very recent article on the superior state of Russian fighters:

I. "2002-2006: The West's Growing Window of Vulnerability" by Joel M. Skousen, editor World Affairs Brief

Quote: "One of the most egregious deceptions perpetrated upon the public today is that Russian military might has collapsed. Actually, Russia still presents a very real threat, with a military that is continually being updated and strengthened. However, to perpetrate the theory of their own military weakness, Russia has removed from public view the major portions of ongoing weapons modernization programs and allowed Western arms control inspectors to see only old, outdated weapons systems that Russia needs to replace anyway. Then, feigning poverty, they have induced the West to pay for the modernization. Never mind that Russia always seems to have the funds to develop new and expensive high tech weapons for sale to client rogue nations."

II. "The Bush-Putin Summit" by J. R. Nyquist in Financial Sense Online, 11/12/2001

Quote: "Russian military and scientific experts have long held that nuclear war does not signify the end of the world, or the end of civilization. If the weapons are used responsibly, damage can be limited to key military objectives. "Random violence is anathema to the Soviet military mind," noted Mark Miller, another leading U.S. researcher and author of "Soviet Strategic Power and Doctrine." … Yet American strategic policy is now influenced by the view that nuclear war is a practical impossibility, that nuclear war is a self-defeating proposition. Here is an idea that leads to a double error. In the first place, U.S. policy-makers dismiss the utility of nuclear arms; in the second place they trust the Russians to honor arms control agreements when the Russians have rarely done so in the past, even in the post-Soviet era."

III. "Results of air exercise with India a 'wake-up call' for US air force" in war.wire, reporting a story from Agence France-Presse (June 23, 2004)

Quote: "A study of the 'Cope India' air exercise, conducted by the US and Indian air forces in Gwalior, India last February, is secret, said General Hal Hornburg, head of the air force's Air Combat Command. … The Russian-made SU-30s are reported to have bested the F-15s in a majority of their engagements, much to the surprise of the organizers. It was the first time the two top-of-the-line US and Russian-made fighters have flown against each other in an exercise, an air force spokeswoman said." [back to text]

21) "Putin: Ally or Terrorist?" by William F. Jasper in The New American, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002.

Quote: "Christopher Story has pointed out that Putin was able to solve the terrorist bombings 'because they were very simply provocations perpetrated by covert Soviet intelligence operatives to provide Moscow with a pretext for an official re-entry into Chechnya. I say 'official' because Russia never really relinquished control when it supposedly left in 1996.' Other analysts, investigators, and reporters around the world have reached some of the same conclusions. Many major mainstream media organs have acknowledged that the Putin regime has produced no evidence substantiating that Chechens were behind the Moscow bombings. Moreover, it has been fairly widely reported that strong evidence indicates that the FSB actually perpetrated the bombings. Many news groups have reported that after the fourth major bombing in September 1999, local police foiled a fifth bombing when they arrested terrorists planting explosives in another apartment complex. The terrorists turned out to be FSB agents." [back to text]

22) "In his book Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA [Alfred Knopf, New York, 1994], author Mark Riebling, who carried out a methodical analysis of Golitsyn's predictions in New Lies for Old, credited the Author with an 'accuracy of nearly 94%'. This singular achievement put all other analysts, including some official services, to shame; and it is precisely because of this record of pin-point accuracy that Western Governments, policymakers and even some intelligence services, whose records bears little comparison with Golitsyn's, have competed with one another over the years to find reasons why Golitsyn's perceptive explanations of Soviet strategy should be ignored. But events as they unfolded are relentlessly proving this remarkable analyst of Soviet strategy to be right." From the back cover of The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn.

For more recent analyses of the Sino-Soviet long-term strategy see the work of Christopher Story. He is the current editor of the London-based Soviet Analyst, which is described as "the only publication that specialises in exposing Moscow's continuing strategy, in close collaboration with China, to consummate Lenin's World Communist Revolution. In analysing Soviet deception strategy, Soviet Analyst also necessarily exposes the stupidity and duplicity of many collaborating Western Governments which have blindly accepted Soviet lies about the collapse of Communism in 1989-91, as though it were genuine."

He also was editor of The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn.

William F. Jasper, Senior Editor of The New American interviewed him in 1995. This interview was reprinted in Studies in Reformed Theology:

Part I. "Dispelling Disinformation" (Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998)

Part II. "Leninists Still Leading" (Vol. 9, No. 2, 1999)

Part III. "Red March to Global Tyranny" (Vol. 10, No. 1, 1999)

Another analyst who understood Golitsyn well is J.R. Nyquist.

"The Man Behind The Curtain" by J.R. Nyquist
WorldNetDaily.com, Jan. 24, 2000
[back to text]

23) A steady stream of books of differing quality has hit the market since Clinton's Chinagate: Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1998) and Red Dragon Rising: Communist China's Military Threat to America (Washington, D.C. Regnery Publishing 1999); Richard Bernstein and Ross H. Munro The Coming Conflict With China (New York: Knopf 1997); Bill Gertz The China Threat: How The People's Republic Targets America (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing 2000); Steven W. Mosher Hegemon: China's Plan to Dominate Asia and the World (San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2000). A dissenting voice is from Gordon Chang, who argues in his Coming Collapse of China (New York: Random House, 2001), that the Chinese system is so corrupt, inefficient and insolvent that it will collapse in a matter of years.

"Update on the Threat from Russia and China" by J.R. Nyquist for WorldNetDaily.com (March 2, 2000).

Quote: "Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, speaking from Moscow last Tuesday, said that China might easily use force to take over Taiwan. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov verbally backed this statement, underlining the fact that China is Russia's strategic partner. Chinese and Russian leaders often talk of countering the supposed global domination of the United States. It is noteworthy that Russian and Chinese officials do not refer to America as the world's only superpower. They only admit that America is "allegedly" dominant. The truth might be that Russia and China are approaching a position of global dominance."

"Beholden to Beijing" in The New American (Vol. 20, No. 10, May 17, 2004) http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Beholden+to+Beijing.-a0117774246

Quote: "Foreign central banks, led by China and Japan, now hold roughly $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds and bills - about a quarter of publicly held U.S. debt. China is about to displace the U.S. as Japan's largest trading partner. As Washington heedlessly piles up public debt, and pursues a trade policy that results in an ever-growing trade deficit, China's financial influence over our future grows. It's not unreasonable to fear that someday, rather than merely praying for China, our government will put us in a position in which we will be forced to kneel to China."

For a good report on the use of organized crime by the Chinese communists see "China Invasion" by William Norman Grigg in The New American (Vol. 13, No. 18, September 1, 1997)

Quote : "Beijing government is putting the finishing touches on what crime reporter Frederic Dannen refers to as "a cooperation pact between the triad societies and the Communist Party ... a dreadful alliance between the world's largest criminal underground and the world's last great totalitarian power...." … In fact, sub rosa collaboration with the Chinese underworld has been a strategic tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the 1920s. "Chinese organized crime groups have always been an integral part of the Red Chinese strategic apparatus," observes national security affairs consultant Joseph Douglass. Dr. Douglass explained to THE NEW AMERICAN that "before the revolution, the CCP used organized crime to subvert Chinese society through drug trafficking and violence, and it has continued to use the underground -- particularly the triads -- to carry out similar activities on a global scale, including within the U.S." [back to text]



Copyright © 2001 - G.W. Schüller
